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Author Archives: Ann Thorpe

What’s not missing from this picture?

I read recenlty that the city of Detroit is exploring the option of “killing off” interstate 375 in favor of a pedestrian corridor that would better link neighborhoods,  boost the local economies and strengthen neighborhoods. Milwaukee, San Francisco and Portland have already ripped out sections of the freeways to good effect. So in this week’sContinue Reading

Sustainable Design Intrapreneurs

As a lot of us know, there still aren’t that many design jobs around with “sustainability” in the job description. In that case designers have the option of taking “conventional” jobs and becoming “intrapreneurs” (changing things from the inside). I’ve written about this here, in terms of strategic ways to build the case for sustainableContinue Reading

light-bulb flashlights, chair-helmuts—multifunctional products

In this post we return to the theme of multi-functionality as a technique for sustainable design. I’ve looked at this idea of doing more with less before in terms of products that behave as structures (and vice versa) and in terms of other approaches to getting more function out of our designs. Today we’ve gotContinue Reading



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