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two reports on sustainability in Higher Education

Both from the UK, but useful frameworks none-the-less. Both links below are for downloading the reports directly (PDFs):

1. Future-fit Framework An introductory guide to teaching and learning for sustainability in HE, by Professor Stephen Sterling from the Centre for Sustainable Futures, Plymouth University

–    some guidance on the nuts and bolts of ESD;
–    a digest of key ideas;
–    some pointers on next steps and resources.

Trying to answer the question–what’s in it for me? and why bother?

2. Education for sustainable development and holistic curriculum change: A review and guide (Ed-for-sust-HEA) by Dr Alex Ryan, Associate Director of Sustainability at the University of Gloucestershire, is based on an international review and three UK case studies of work towards curriculum change in this area.

The guide is for educators and managers who want to improve teaching and learning institution-wide on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).


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