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teaching tools for sustainable design

cover, teaching guide for The Designer's Atlas of SustainabilityAlthough I think my own teaching guide for the Atlas has a lot to offer, there are a number of other teaching tools available. I thought it would be useful, as one of the inaugural posts for this blog, to list a few of them. At this stage I’ve dipped into a few of them and all have something to offer. I’m sure there are others as well. If you have a review for one of the resources mentioned below, or you know of  another ‘tool’ please comment.  The teaching tools mentioned here are also included in my teaching guide.

Okala sustainable design teaching guide

The classic ‘Okala Ecological Design Course Guide’ by Philip White, Steve Belletire and Louise St. Pierre is updated for 2010  from the ecodesign section of the Industrial Designers Society of America. Although it’s not available for download, you can find out more about it and order here.

Autodesk has been building a library of videos on sustainable design explaining issues such as ‘design for lifetime’ which includes short segments (the ones I checked ran 4-6 minutes) on design for disassembly, durability, repair and upgrade, and so forth. They’ve also got guides on sustainable architecture, green building and BIM, and related topics (see a range here).

Over at Designer’s Accord they’ve also been producing, or collecting, some teaching materials. Their sustainable design edu toolkit offers some background, but also a range of actual teaching material. I haven’t had a chance to wade into much yet.

Loughborough University offers its own ‘Toolbox for Sustainable Design Education

The DEEDS Project

LeNS -the Learning Network on Sustainability

A pan-European effort to catalog and develop tools and case studies for sustainable design education, ‘DEEDS: Design Education and Sustainability,’ is archived here.

The LeNS network (Learning Network on Sustainability) is a multi-university initiative (run out of Milan) that collects teaching materials from a variety of member’s courses. Once you register, these are available–freely.

The 2012 Imperative and teach-in on sustainable design (particularly ecological literacy) happened in 2009, but continues as a community on a Ning network/forum.

The Sustainability Information Teaching Exchange (SITE) at the University of Plymouth (UK) offers workshop materials suitable for all disciplines.

AIA COTE (Committee on the Environment) report “Ecology and Design: Ecological Literacy in Architecture Education” by Kira Gould and Lance Hosey et. al. The downloadable report looks at the degree to which ecological literacy and sustainability are playing a role in American architecture education, and reviews a number of programs and their curricula.

2 Responses to teaching tools for sustainable design

  1. okta says:

    thanks for this and all the useful information!
    an uruguayan designer

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