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Category Archives: regional examples

Ageless design

The ageless catwalk for fashion design. The ageless housing development. The ageless solar energy installation?   It’s sometimes hard for young people and students to get inside the heads of older people. Fortunately it’s happening more often as we all try to address the needs of an aging population. In some cases you can moveContinue Reading

Multi tasking product-structures: The Lifeguard desk

Last week we looked at the borderline between structures and products. This week I wanted to highlight another exmaple from Lifeguard Structures. These peices of furniture are designed to shelter the user from harm in the event of a complete building collabpse. Here in Seattle where the group has a showroom, the obvious concern inContinue Reading

Sustainable Design from the Far East

Teaching here in the UK, many of my students were form the Far East—China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Since I’ve never been to any of these countries, it’s always interesting to hear about projects my students worked on there or proposals they make. But I’ve not been a good source for them on where toContinue Reading



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