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Category Archives: energy

two great research projects, one bad name

two great research projects, one bad name

Here are two research projects I really like, but only one has a good name…see if you can guess which one: PrICELESS Design, which stands for “Promoting Independent Cycling for Enhancing Later Life Experience and Social Synergy through Design” and Consensus, which stands for “consumption, environment and sustainability”, a collaborative research project looking at sustainableContinue Reading

Lofts in the gaps between buildings

One tenet of sustainability is to use space and material efficiently, an idea exemplified by entries in a design competition sponsored by Poland-based global skylight/roof window manufacturer FAKRO (possibly another opportunity for student design competitions). The competition, called New Vision of the Loft 2, asked entrants to “design a functional space full of natural light, usingContinue Reading

How policy shapes design…and vice versa?

I read recently that the European Commission is going to propose a new framework for sustainable building—one that includes embodied energy (last week’s topic). The EC is supposed to be releasing a policy paper for public consultation any day now on this site: The commission wants to focus on: how to improve the environmental sustainabilityContinue Reading



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