This is an alert for all you folks in the UK involved in sustainable design in Higher Education—we need your input now. The UK’s higher education community is trying to formalize education for sustainable development (ESD), and a major milestone appeared this week in the form of Guidance from the Quality Assurance Agency on Education… Continue Reading
How about this…Levi Strauss has developed a line of “slow” clothing, called Threadwell, but is only releasing it in Europe. So uncertain is the company of the US market, reports the Guardian, that they haven’t announced any release there. The designer Paul Dillinger suggests that his work at the innovation laboratory at Levi’s allows… Continue Reading
In the past couple of weeks we’ve looked at sustainable design through the lenses of open data and big data, and this week we’re looking at the holy grail, which is “smart data.” Is “smart data” really just a way of describing how communications and physical engineering are merging into new systems that enable “smarter”… Continue Reading
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